Thursday, April 30, 2009

DC Alliance and DC Medicaid Changes

I have great news! D-TECH has been working feverishly with Doral USA, Unison Health Plan, the DCPCA and local public health providers to enhance the benefits for the DC Alliance and DC Medicaid dental programs. Effective April 1, 2009, Unison has increased their fee schedule to participating providers and added five new procedure codes to their Adult Alliance benefit schedule. Based upon feedback from our providers, the following benefits have been added:

¨ D0330 Panoramic film

¨ D4355 Full mouth debridement

¨ D9110 Palliative treatment

¨ D9220 Deep sedation/general anesthesia – first 30 minutes

¨ D9221 Deep sedation/general anesthesia – add 15 minutes

Please note the effective date for D0330 and D9110 under the Adult Alliance program has been back dated to May 1, 2008. All previously denied claims for codes listed above are being reprocessed back to the effective dates.

Unison will also be covering Medicaid Adults(DC Healthy Smiles) effective May 1, 2009. If D-TECH is responsible for your reimbursements, we will make all of the necessary changes in your system to ensure a smooth transition. Please contact your account representative at D-TECH is you have questions about how these changes affect your office.

Onward and Upward!

1 comment:

  1. just linked this article on my facebook account. it’s a very interesting article for all.

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